Manifesting Affections

Dear Future Husband,

Do you know how much I love you? ALMOST as much as I love Christ. Honestly, the amount of love I have for you scares me. I never thought I could love someone without meeting them, without knowing them or without building a bond with them. However, when I think of you I am filled with so many unexplainable emotions.  Then I ask myself, “Who is this man that has me acting like a giddy school girl? I am not this person!”

Then I recall my thoughts and prayers of you. I remembered I prayed for a husband who loved God; one that had an intimate relationship with Him, submitting himself to His will and would seek God for direction in all things. A husband that was a leader. A leader that lead by serving; serving his wife, his family and God’s people. A husband who will use his wisdom to make good decisions for those in which he leads. I know if God isn’t your source, I will never be able to submit myself to you. Your love for Christ is the thing I love most about you because it is the thing that matters the most to me.

When I think of you, I think of a man after God’s own heart. A man with the heart of Christ. A man of great character. A man that loves unconditionally, seeking to build up and meet the needs of others without expecting anything in return.  A man that is humble, kind, loving, always displaying integrity, honesty and compassion towards others. A man that is faithful, loyal, dependable, generous and merciful.

I see you as a confident, courageous husband. One uses and draws from the strength given by God to face any situation knowing he is already victorious. He knows that the God that is in him is greater than he who is in the world. A husband that will encourage and exhort me and others.  One who will attentive to me and our children and will be supportive in every endeavor we embark on.  A husband that is slow to anger and full of patience because being married to me, both are essential (I know my truth).

So when I ask myself, “how can I love someone I never met?” I am reminded how much I love Christ, whom I’ve never met. My love for you is patterned like my love for Christ (as it should be). I love Him for who He is, just as I love you.

Stay Tuned,

Your Future Wife


  1. Soon. Around the corner. He gone find you and go immediately to his prayer closet in thanksgiving and rejoice!!!

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